#TeamKey #3moreyears – What does it really mean for New Zealanders?

Definitely not my usual fare, but probably more important. For those of you who are not in NZ: here’s a glimpse into what this clean green tourist destination of a country of mine is really all about.



John Key’s resounding success and the failure of left wing parties to draw significant support came as a shock to many once the numbers were counted on election night.

The most embarrassing defeat of the Labour Party in over 90 years saw them muster just over 25% of votes. Equally poor was The Green Party’s result, managing 10% and the Internet-Mana Party, who came through with a measly 1.2% and saw Hone Harawira lose his coveted seat in parliament.

National’s landslide victory means that they have an outright majority, and are technically able to govern our country without the need for input from other parties. However, they may still choose to work with ACT, Maori and United Future.

One statistic probably stands out as the most shocking – roughly 700,000 enrolled voters did not end up casting their vote. 77.04% of those eligible took part in the election, this is slightly higher than 2011’s abysmal 74.2%…

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